Released on January 12th, 2024, on SonyLIV, “Cheran’s Journey” isn’t your typical web series. This Tamil-language drama, dubbed in Hindi, takes viewers on a poignant and...
Sirens blaring, adrenaline pumping, and justice at stake – that’s the world of “Indian Police Force,” a Hindi web series that stormed Amazon Prime Video on...
Dazzling lights, fierce competition, and soaring ambitions collide in “Badi Heroine Banti Hai,” a Hindi web series that premiered on January 19th, 2024, on Amazon miniTV....
The entrepreneurial spirit in India is ablaze, and fueling the fire is Shark Tank India Season 3, a reality web series that premiered on January 22nd,...
Captivating viewers with a blend of history, spirituality, and intrigue, “Secrets of The Buddha Relics” isn’t your typical web series. Released on January 22nd, 2024, on...
“Crakk – Jeethegaa Toh Jiyegaa,” but I must clarify that it’s not a web series, but a feature film releasing on February 23rd, 2024. Here’s the...