With masked vigilante justice rising, “Shayar,” releasing on April 19th, 2024, delves into the murky depths of morality and the complex motivations behind its enigmatic title...
“Chal Bhajj Chaliye,” releasing on December 15th, 2023, promises a heartwarming journey of self-discovery and the transformative power of love and friendship. This Punjabi film, starring...
Get ready for another round of laughter-inducing mayhem as “Fer Mamlaa Gadbad Hai” hits theaters on July 12th, 2024. This Punjabi sequel to the 2013 hit...
Get ready to embark on a captivating journey of ambition, love, and self-discovery with “Shahkot,” a Punjabi drama film slated for release on February 9th, 2024....
Get ready to be whisked away on a laughter-filled adventure with “Jahankilla,” a Punjabi comedy heist film releasing on May 10th, 2024. Packed with hilarious antics,...
Love knows no boundaries, but in the 21st century, it faces new challenges. Enter “Majnoo,” a Punjabi film releasing on March 22nd, 2024, that promises a...
Get ready to be tickled funny and sent shivers down your spine with “Jatt Nuu Chudail Takri,” a Punjabi horror-comedy hitting theaters on March 15th, 2024....