The Tamil film industry is gearing up for the highly anticipated return of “Iraivan” in 2024. Director I. Ahmed brings back the psychological thriller that captivated...
The year is 2024, and Tamil cinema is preparing for the return of “Chithha,” a film that left a lasting impact on audiences with its poignant...
The year is 2024, and the Tamil film industry is buzzing with anticipation for the return of Chandramukhi, the iconic ghost who enthralled audiences in the...
The year 2023 saw the Tamil film industry soar with the success of “Irugapatru,” a heartwarming sci-fi romance that captivated audiences with its unique blend of...
The roar of the jungle echoes once more as Tamil cinema gears up for “Leo,” a high-octane action drama releasing on October 27th, 2024. Directed by...
The vibrant tapestry of Tamil cinema welcomes “Japan,” a unique cross-cultural adventure film set to release on December 1st, 2024. Directed by Raju Murugan, known for...
The shadows lengthen as Tamil cinema prepares for “Akku,” a captivating mystery thriller releasing on March 23rd, 2024. Directed by first-time filmmaker Stalin Venkatachalam and starring...