Released on January 5th, 2024, “Jatti 15 Murrabean Wali” (“Girl from 15 Murrabean Village” in English) challenges societal norms and celebrates female empowerment through the journey...
Released on February 9th, 2024, “Khadari” (“The Fighter” in English) dives into the world of mixed martial arts and the lives of individuals seeking redemption within...
Released on February 2nd, 2024, “Warning 2” picks up right where its 2021 predecessor left off, thrusting viewers back into the gritty world of revenge, retribution,...
Released on January 26th, 2024, “Lambran Da Laana” (“The Son of Lambran” in English) paints a poignant portrait of a family grappling with legacy, love, and...
Released on January 19th, 2024, “Drame Aale” (“Trouble is Coming” in English) brings laughter and warmth to the screen with its cross-cultural comedy drama. Directed by...
Released in January 2024, “Munda Rockstar” delves into the dark side of the music industry, weaving a tale of ambition, betrayal, and ultimately, redemption. Directed by...
Released on January 5th, 2024, Jatta Dolie Naa (“Not a Bridegroom” in English) throws a playful punch into the Punjabi rom-com scene. Combining humor, romance, and...
Released on January 5th, 2024, “Mansooba” (“Intention” in English) is a poignant Punjabi film that delves into the complexities of father-son relationships, emotional neglect, and the...
Calling all fans of magic, mythology, and heartwarming stories! The Tiger’s Apprentice, based on the beloved novel by Laurence Yep, leaps onto the big screen on...
Inside Out 2, hitting theaters on July 14th, 2024, promises to revisit the beloved characters from Pixar’s critically acclaimed film and delve deeper into the complex...